Monday, December 31, 2007

Play time 8" X 8"

 This painting is Sold

So my last post of the year. I just have been able to get down to any painting this last few days as i mentioned i had a few things to finish and this is one of them. Some times mixing colors drives you crazy and so did the mix for the crayon box! Well happy new year everyone, I am just off to have a good glass of wine at Movina in Ojai. So what if I am 10 hours early.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lonely Cherry 6" X 6"

Commission Sold

So thats christmas over for another year. I can't say I have ever been a big fan... I finished this a couple of days before christmas
so I thought I would post it on the web. I seem to have 3 painting on the go at present so I may post them tomorrow so you can see their progress. One is a pear on a shaker box which I must say i am not enjoying!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Surrey Landscape in Spring 24" x 18"

I'm back on abstract landscapes at the moment. I painted this with base washes, the shade variations are thousands of dots of paint. These are fun to paint but very time consuming !

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Colored pencils in a glass mug 8' X 8 "

 This painting is now Sold 

It took four hours to wrap those christmas presents but boy they look nice even if i say it myself!. Finished this before lunch.
No more on blacks for a while they make me squint to much I really must get new painting specs!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Painting in progress Pencils in Glass 8" X 8"

I started this today and this is about as far as I am going to get today!. I feel guilty as I promised to wrap our Christmas presents
so thats this after noons task .I may get back to it later.... . However I thought i would post my work in progress note the studio is as chaotic as ever.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Surrey Landscape Large

I love painting these landscapes I have been working on this for a while and finished it yesterday. The colors remind me of the UK mind you thats because its always raining!! . I suppose you can't have everything in life. You also get to see that my studio
is very messy !

Saturday, December 15, 2007

lonely Crayons 5" x 7" SOLD

Well they do look a little lonely. I painted them one on top of the other as i thought it made the shadows a little more interesting.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Candy Sideways (3) 5" X 5"

Back to sweets I'm afraid. Behind with todays painting, as I have been talking to a old friend. Time just goes by
but so much stays the same. I have an old picture somewhere taken from a farm house window its has a
couple of sheep and a barn may its time for a grown up picture

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Line UP 6" x 6 ''

Now I enjoyed painting this and it was a pretty low calorie day!. It was interesting to set these up on such a dark
background the shadows are still there but the contrast is interesting. I may paint something similar tomorrow
at this rate I will be a stick insect by Friday....

Sunday, December 9, 2007

liqorice candy 6 in x 12 in Acrylic

 This Painting is now Sold

This is a simple painting but i just love the colors, my friend Alison brought 2 bags of these over from the UK a couple of weeks ago and i have nearly eaten most of them!. I think i will start and paint some colored pencils this week painting sweets all
the time is not great for your waist line.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

candy Man 6 x 12


Gosh i struggled with the lettering on this one - may be i need new glasses or a ruler. My other half left today for a class with with the Horological Society in the UK so my paint time is my own for 7 whole days.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Candy (2) 5 x 5

This was lovely to paint - I was pleased with the jelly beans and some what annoyed with the bag!
Any way I got to eat them when i'd finished.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Candy Side Ways 5" X 5

Have been swamped with visitors for the last to and a half weeks so have slipped some what with the painting.
My sister has asked me to paint a series painted on white - she wants to photograph them and mount for her kitchen
so watch this space for Sara's on White series.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

More Free Parking 6x6 Acrylic

Ah - More free parking I hadn't realised that there was such a difference in the colors of the board games even the car
is different on the US board. Any way this was some fun light hearted painting. I had forgotten how difficult it is to get
lines straight...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Free Parking 8" x 8'

There is much humor in this for me, having lived out side of London for many years. I always smile when I play monopoly at the
concept of free parking. Personally I don't think there has been any free parking since around 1970. Perhaps it needs an update!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Love You - 7 letter words 6" x 6"

I painted this simple piece yesterday it was probably all the board games over Thanks Giving that made me think of this.
PS I am so sick of the sight of Turkey.....

Saturday, November 24, 2007

An Apple a Day

Welcome to my paint Paint Blog. My name is Joanne and I paint out of the sunny state of California. I'm British and moved to the states a few years ago when I married my American husband.

So Welcome to my first page of the Paint Pot blog I aim to paint most days and recall the trials and tribulations of my painting journey. After dabbling with watercolour and oil for many years I have given myself over to acrylic. Its my love hate relationship.